Saturday, 4 January 2014

Two oh one three it's been a kick ass year.

This is so annoying and stupid now coz Olea and Teah have both done these questiony things but I've fully been planning on doing this for ages! But I thought I'd do it in January coz I already have 25 posts from blogmas! But I found a list of questions as a review of 2013! Mines gonna be super long with pointless details but das jus hu ai am! Then I'll get to look back and properly remember everything from this year :D 

1: What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
So much stuff! Performed Kapa Haka, which I have done at primary and intermediate hahah gaah but like at highschool, fell asleep on a boys shoulder, talked to a boy on the phone, oh got dumped by a boy, went to the funeral of a loved one, went to my first proper party, well I didn't get an award, went to a ball, drove a car, crashed a car, fangirled hard over One Direction, pulled an all nighter oi yes

2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Nah man! But sort of! Meh! I think I'll just do a whole nother post about this :D

3: Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes actually! One of my close friends who I would now call one of my best friends had a beautiful perfect little princess! And she is just the cutest thing and I'm so happy she's here and we all get to watch her grow up! And also I got a new little cousin who I will not be able to meet for a whole nother year!

4: Did anyone close to you die?
Yes again. My grandad, my mums dad passed away on my mums birthday. It was the weirdest craziest time for me. Toni wasn't here, all my auntys and uncles were disagreeing about everything, and I didn't cry for the right reasons. I'm still extremely grateful to my best guy friend at the time for being there.

5: What countries did you visit?
Um well at the start of the year I was still in England but das it!

6: What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
Confidence. Motivation. Determination. Focus. Money hahahaha but that'll all like be in my goals post

7: What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Literally only two are like permanently stuck there but that's coz like two events happened on those days kinda? 17.8.13 my mums birthday and grandad passed away. 31.8.13 Ton came home from England and at 4.32pm drama went doooown hahahah I'm so ugly but I've read those messages a thousand times that I even know the time! But like lots of great amazing things happened this year but I'm real bad with dates so yeah!

8: What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Definitely learning most of the Kapa Haka bracket in a week and then being able to perform it with confidence. And that was only to my amazing and supportive whanau hahaha ugly as, but they are! Hurutea even though she had so much else to deal with, Hun who was happy to be distracted from practicing her speech, Ton who would practice with me or just sit and watch me till all hours of the night, Olea for like still making it fun and just laughing about it, Jade especially for helping me with the poi, and I guess Ataahua who was the one who forced me into doing it coz she's addicted to injuries haha!

9: What was your biggest failure?
Again DEFINETELY finishing level two in the first term and then not getting any level three credits -.- lets just not talk about it.

10: Did you suffer illness or injury?
Colds, and other things that don't really yeah. Broken heart AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm saaau ugly!!

11: What was the best thing you bought?
Not that I bought but the best present I got was mah freaking mink blanket I got for my birthday!! It is the best thing in the world and makes me feel like a true maori! Oh and I just bought two three wick candles WHICH are my new obsession!! This is a really hard question. Oh this gold necklace I bought which goes with literally everything! Midnight Memories. Nuff said. And just like all my clothes! Boys singlets, SnapBacks, fake vans and converses hahahah #warehousefolyfe

12: Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Um that's a really weird and hard question. You know what I'm gonna say Miley Cyrus. Her fiancée left her, she made a hella epic album, and she did not in any way care what any one thought foo her, and every damn person on the planet had an opinion about her! Snaps for Miley! 

13: Whose behaviour made you appalled?
I know the exact answer for this. A very certain white boy. Every step he took, every move he made, me Olea and Hurutea would literally all just not disagree and that makes us sound so bad but like everything he did was just like why!? I will say he still did good things too and he's not all bad, just makes some bad decisions. 

14: Where did most of your money go?
In to a small red telephone box money box. Saving for England baaaabeeey! But then I spent heaps of it on presents too hahahah!

15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I'm a super excitable person and it's like my favourite emotion hahahaha I'm so ugly!! Uh I'm excited that me and Ton get to go Samoa with my aunty and babysit in a couple of years!! Excited for the concert next year! Just lots of things but like plans me Olea and Hurutea have made for the future sorta? Ooh nah yup Stage Challenge! Love dat like I love mah lyfe!

16: What song will always remind you of 2013?
Ew. The first one that came to my mind was Kelly Clarksons Breakeven. All these are like revolved around one person! But yeah I guess he was a pretty big part of my year gah and now my life hahaha but he said that he liked this song and so every single time I heard it NOOO NEVERMIND NOPE the song of two thousand and thirteen. The ultimate song. Yes. Olea knows. The Fray. How to save a life. Yes. Nothing else. THAT is the song of 2013 and I love it. Can I ask you a serious question? Where did I go wrong ahahahahahahah memories!!

17: Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? 
Woooah! You actually know what I'm more freaked out, scared, worried, stressed, nervous like just all the not good emotions I'm more of them than last year. Becaaaause. I have one single year left of "safety" like a place to go everyday, a routine, free food, warmth, clothing, shelter like all that but next year it's gone. I'm gone. Woaah depressing. BUUUT I'm also extremely happy, laughing as I always have and always will have the best friends and gah just saaaau happy for this year!!

18: What do you wish you’d done more of?
Done my schoolwork.

19: What do you wish you’d done less of?
Talked in class. Hahahaha! Uhm like overthunk everything? Cared? Is that really heartless but I wish I cared less about some people -.-

20: How did you spend Christmas?
At home, family and friends, eating, just all day eating, and then playing the best game in the world with the best people HEADS UP!

21: Did you fall in love in 2013?
I didn't fall in love but I did love! Like friendship love and family love :D

22: What was your favourite TV program?
Okay well hahaha nah How I Met Your Mother, Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars even though I have'nt finished them hahah! And of course it always will be Friends.

23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope. Ain't nobody got time fo hate in their hearts.

24: What was the best book you read?
Hands down The Fault in Our Stars by John Green! That's my favourite book and I love it so much! I read it twice and that's an accomplishment coz I hardly ever even finish books!

25: What was your greatest musical discovery?
I've been waiting for a question like this hahaha I didn't even read them through! Yooss okay! One Direction, SoMo, Max Schneider, Charlie Puth, Jon D a lotta youtube booooys, Miley Cyrus's album, all my beautiful country music, John Mayer omg yes just yes, John Legend, and of course the legendary Beyoncé secret album! Music was so good last year! Like heaps of great singles like yeah it was just a good year I'm music!

26: What did you want and get?
Far out! Im a priveledge white girl so actually get a lot of stuff I want. I'm super grateful to my mom and dad but like yeah? That makes me sound like such biatch but it's not like mega expensive stuff it's like a new dress for an occasion or I dunno, I sorta just dug that hole and now I'm just standing in it. But non-materialiscly I got level two, my drivers liscence, greatly amazing friendships, and memories that I'll never forget!

27: What did you want and not get?
A boyfriend. Mind reading powers. A boyfriend. A kitten, so close but no. A boyfriend. A job. A boyfriend nahahahahaha I'm totally half joking! I don't want a boyfriend. Like this is a crazy question coz there's like an endless list of crazy stuff that I want, materialistic and not! Like yah that's a hard question

28: What was your favourite film of this year?
Ooh! Gotta be Catching Fire! But I love Frozen too, that soundtrack has been playing non-stop for the past week! Uh Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University too! It's hard to think back! Ooh Teen Beach Movie! Dat cheesyness doe!

29: What's one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Woah um. Just the first thing I thought of was going to Hamilton with Olea and Teah! It was literally so spontaneous, the day before planning like literally everything else we do! That weekend was so much fun and we made so many memories!! "No Ellen needs her own pizza" talking the whole way up, about two specific people ahahahah, one of those people getting a girlfriend then Olea editing my name over hers, staying at their auntys, ghee meaning babe, Olea turning up transformers when snapchating just so Darcy thought she was cool, Olea making a six minute recording of her doing nothing, the night markets, church for the first time, the temple, going shopping but really just walking around for like two hours, skyping my nana then Teah talking in the worst posh British accent! Gaaaah that was actually one of the best weekends ever!!

30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
U-G-L-Y it ain't got no alibi. Boys sweatpants. Boys shirts. Boys sweaters. Boys singlets. Boys shoes. Boys hats. And like four dresses. That's it. Every day hahahahah I wear boys clothes so much and literally hardly ever buy girls clothes! But I love dresses and girly stuff like that too!!

31: What kept you sane?
Probably just Olea, Hurutea and Ton! Like whenever I was about to cry, one time haha, I just went to Olea and Teah and knew they would make me laugh as soon as I walked in the room! And I literally just don't even want to think about what I would do if Ton wasn't here to listen to every single one of my stupid problems and just agree and just gaah! Love you girls for actually keeping me sane hahahah!

32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Fancy? What are you British! Probably Jennifer Lawrence she's like just the queen OOOOH HEEEEIL NAAAW HAHAHAHA it's gotta be mah boy Kanye. Yup that's my answer. He's the biggest idol I have in my life! His doucheyness is perfection and I just love him till death do us part!

33: What political issue stirred you the most?
None really soz I'm a typical teenager stuck in their own little world! And that makes me feel real bad oi!

34: Who did you miss?
One of my best friends who moved to Australia on the sixteenth of September, I just looked through my journals for that, I miss her so much but we still message everyday and Skype heaps! I do miss her though

35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
Be nice. You never ever know how much a person is going through and so you shouldn't add to that by being a dick, even if they're being a bigger dick, be nice. I definitely needa practice what I preach a lot more and just, be nice.

That was nice. And long hahaha but i love that little review that was quite fun! I'll definitely do it next year, or well at the end of this year.

See Yah :D

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