Friday, 3 January 2014

My Blog.

Yo, so this year I wanna blog more! I also want to read a lot more of other people blogs, so that i can get ideas and just broaden my horizons a bit! I'm so happy that theres three different years in the archive over there! I want to just blog about anything and everything! Just my life! Coz I'll grow up and read these and so it would just be good to read lots! Write about all my memories, if I do something that day like an event, haha actually leave the house, then it'll make me take photos so it's not just writing. I think thats pretty good! I wanna just blog for me? Like I don't know who I blog for now but just blog about my life and not try and make it anything that it's not. Like sometimes I look at Olea and Teahs blogs and they have fancy stuff or really like big words and like Huruteas is like a published book of words! And then I'm like far mines hansim what am I even doing! But I'm happy with it and truly don't know how to make it all flash and I can't write beautiful stories haha I just sit here and write whatever's on my mind pretty much, I don't spend days editing it and making it perfect it just is what it is!

So this year I want to make at least 100 posts! Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter did 239 posts this year and that's just woah! But at least once a month I'll do Meaningful Mondays and Friday Favourites so thats at least 24! And maybe I'll do nail sunday just coz I'm such a beauty guru and am just saaaau glamorous! I'll do a post about the rest of my family members since I did Tons, and they all have personality fo days! Then I just found this cool thing with like all these thought provoking questions, so I'll be able to write tonnes about that! And I just have to do at least 10 posts a month! I just want this to show my life and all my thought and just yeah everything! So yeah that's it! 

Until the next post xx

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