Sunday, 18 May 2014

Stake conference and snails.

Saaaau yesterday was a very very fun daaay and I'm going to blog about eet! Just a journal entry of my super duper busy long day!

I woke up at like 6! Earliest i think I've ever been awake of a Saturday and that's coz i was sick and sore :/ We went and watched my little All Black brothers! Supermarket to buy all the ingredients for our mean as cheesecake! My brother was buying a scooter and i seen one of ma booys and far it was so ugly but I was so happy and couldn't stop smiling! Then mom dropped me off at the courts and everyone was super happy to see me which made my heart warm. I told Teah a little girly best friend secret and we're just like little kids but instead of just giggling she was on the literal concrete ground laughing! Then she told me her hansimness and oleas hansimness and we're all just hansim hansim hansim! It was so super fun at netball coz i seen everyone who's finished school! Eric, Toots, ma boy Daniel and then Bly and baby came down!! We are literally the ugliest and loudest humans you will ever see ever and i just love her so much till the end of eternity man!

After netball we went grocery shopping and Hurutea tried to buy a dress hahahha then home time! Showers, got ready, i felt pretty as with my no "bits" hair. I was all ready so i was just watching the movie with matua while Teah did her hair. But then we were off, we were late but walked in and sat by olea and all her crew, but then Olea had to go sit up top with Asher and all them ahahaha, far they were the funniest most distractingest things of all time ever! He was chewing his gum so annoyingly, yew daunt dew dat in church boooy, then they both just looked so bored and faaar it was funny! 

But i was sitting by Aryanna and i love her so dang much! She pulled out her notebook covered with yolo, swag etc. She opened up a page and started writing "i am the pretty, i am swag, i am the best in the world" faaar i was cracking up, and i was tryna listen and be good but far it was just too funny man! The talks were all real good! Far Azrael and Eva were being super cute building houses out of the books, and playing with their Barbies, then when Tumuaki was talking she got of the floor and was like "thats my brother" faaar it was cute. There was an RM from Japan and he was like fully talking Japanese and it was so cool, so i was just like listening normal and like tryna foccuss but olea was craaaacking up at my "listening face" ahahahahaha. Then the best part of the whole time faaaar, all the missionaries got up and said where they were from and a scripture. Aryanna was like "I don't even know where most these places are" and so i was like "O2L live in California" and then literally the funniest thing of all time, she did this full on rocking movement and waved her face and was like "omg kian, omg sam" that makes it sound so dumb but it was honestly the funniest thaaang ever!!

So then after we said hi to everyone, Lisi and Kereru said I smelt nice and it honestly made my whole year ahahahahaha but honest! And we were just talking and then i went to find my two and they were saying hi to asher and so i jumped in line to say hi, I'm the awkwardest hum alive coz he went for a handshake and i like moved his hand away and gave him a hug, like why am i so ugly, oh thats right coz i have sweaty hands. Then after that we were just waiting round on the couch, cracking up and being loud as usual, she did this hansim as John Cena you can't see me thing and we were cracking up hahahahahaha. Marlin came and talked to Olea and he shook my hand, when he walked away i was like dangit sweaty hands and just faaaar i hate handshakes!! 

Far we're so ugly coz when we jumped in the car we all sat like behind each other in the different rows ahahahahahaha. Then Matua made us get out the car and walk down the drive way but then drove down anyways hahahaha. We got inside and straight away started making the butter chicken. "Olea cut the onions" I made the rice and did it all wrong as usual ahahaha. Then after that we started making our cheesecake and hurutea was scraping metal together which is my least favourite thing in all the world. So then Olea was mocking all my actions *covering my ears, you can't see me, and then punching* Our cheesecake was legit so good, we had it for breakfast the next day but straight up wiiiife us man! Olea was lying on the couch and was like "i feel like a snail" and i took a photo then she was annoying me so much like did you put that anywhere, who's seen it? so then i sent it to the boys and one of them was like "she doesn't look like a snail" ahahahahah far it was so funny coz then she had her little snail eyes and was like "when he touches me i'll just go kkkkkkkk" far it was so funny man!! Olea was stalking her own page hahahha. We set up our beds and watched Serendipity. Fun fun fun day with all ma fraaainds.

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