Friday, 20 March 2015

Figure out what you don't want.

Last year me and Hurutea were having a deep and meaningful and freaking out about life and how we have to make all these big huge decisions that shape the rest of our lives so we googled "how to deal with a quarter life crisis" ahahahaha and it came up with a Buzzfeed article which is obviously my fave ahahahah. The two things that we liked the most were "hang out with people who aren't our age" because everyone our age is in the same boat, freaking out about the big decisions, and then we're just comparing ourselves with everyone else who may have a tiny bit more of their plan figured out ahahahah so if you hang out with older people, they already have everything figured out!! So theyre just dripping with guidance and advice to give. That's perfect for me because I've literally come over here and have no friends at all and just hang out with all my mum and dads friends, and my nana and grandad ahahahaha so I've got more wisdom coming my way then you can dream of! Then the second thing we fell in love with was instead of making this one single big huge decision "figure out what you don't want to do" and I'm absolutely in love with that. So that's what I'm doing over here, figuring out what I don't like or want and it's actually so surprising. Like some of them are big things and some of them are tiny ahahahah but it's all about figuring out who i a and becoming my own person, like coming over here mighta been a mistake but at then end i know that i will have learnt heaps and like had experiences that i wouldn't have had back home yah know? So yeah, i love that so much and my life motto will peobably be "Figure out what you don't want" coz like its so cool coz its allowing yourself to accept all the mistakes you make, just in that one sentence. Like yup i messed up, now i know i can't do that, or don't like this and i dunno i just like it.

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