Saturday, 29 March 2014

The best day ever.

Oleas gonna judge me so much and make so many jokes because I said today was the best day ever and I was like with but not even with someone. But today was the best! Tamararos and speedway. 

Yesterday the girls took literally two hours figuring out what they were gonna wear and destroyed the living room with all their clothes everywhere! Then another two hours getting ready this morning haha! We all squished into the car and went to the event center, it was so hot like gah way too hot, we went in and there were so much people so we all had to split up but I was by Rai and Tarm and we watched a group perform. I honestly love watching Kapa Haka so much like it honestly makes me so happy and I was just smiling the whole time I just love it so much, then when that group finished we went down on the floor and I got to see OLEA!! Her and Evonne's were all in their Tu Te Manawa gears hahah! Far I miss seeing her everyday so much! But she was being an idiot making ugly jokes as usual. We watched one more group and then it was Teahs turn and far out man I love watching Teah perform, she is the Kapa Haka queen and she just makes sau proud hahaha, I love their bracket so much hahah after when Teah was like what was your favorite item and I was like oh the poi, no wait and the last one, wait and the entrance too hahahaha! She saw our sign and she showed us those ruru eyes hahaha and I'm just so happy that I have cool and talented friends who are just cool. So proud of you my Hurutea! 

After teahs group it was lunchtime and we walked around for way too long tryna decide what to do and we tried to go see teah but they were all going to get changed. The hansims were hungry so we went to McDonalds and we were just being straight uglys the whole time! Takings selfies and people watching #noshame, I ticked something off my bucket list! and just being ugly and loud the whole time! Then we went shopping the hansims and it was so funny like we are just so loud and annoying hahahaha coz there was like this girls cardigan in the boys section and I was like oh I'll buy this for my boyfriend aye and me and ton were just cracking up! And yeah they all bought bikinis and stuff haha but nah not me gotta be saving my money!

Then we went back just to see teah and give her a big as hug, and said bye to Olea who I had written two texts to and forgot to press send both times. We came home and mum said Rais boy was going to speedway so we were like yaaas should we go hahaha so we got home, got changed and packed heaps of blankets and went to speedway! We saw John and one of his mates and we set up our blankets like near where they were sitting then they all like texted him to come sit with us, so we were all sitting under the blankets hahahaha it was so ugly but so funny aswell, I was like do you want some blankets and John was like nah I'm hot then Hori was like youre always hot. Jack and Rerepo kept coming and going, it was cool coz Rerepo actually was racing, him and Rai were so dang cute! Me and Hori were just being idiots to John and his mate and we have heaps of people who we like both know, mutual friends ahahaha, and it was cold and I was tired as hahah but it was fun as! Ton was growling me the whole night coz I was on my phone the whole time like a hansim bushpig or something hahahha then we all came home and just crashed out!

It was the bestest day watching Kapa Haka and one of my best friends perform and then going out at night with all these hansims. Ton said it felt like we were white girls like going places and stuff hahaha but it was just so fun and I loved every part of it!! 

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