Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Leaving is a great way to get out.

2nd December- We had a pretty busy week this week so us squad girls decide to go get our nails done. Since I'm leaving and am the "mom" of the group I told Hori and Ton that they needa practice being responsible so they booked the appointments for 3:30. We left school early and went to Horiana's because I had driven my van there in the morning, then Georgettes mum drove us to town and we went to the squad hangout, maccas, tons shout hahaha then went to the nails on Gladstone road opposite Peel street. Once again ton stepped up and went in to see about our booking, she came and told us that they had double booked and had to come back in an hour and that was fine we just went shopping, we needed to still get some stuff before the dinner. I bought these fake piercings because mum said I wasn't allowed a nose piercing or any face tattoos ahahahahahah not that I'd ever get any face tattoos but I get so like stubborn when people tell me what I can and can't do so I bought the piercings and I was super excited to trick mum ahahahahahah. We went back at 4:30 and all the seats were filled but we paid and waited for like half an hour hahaha. It was real sore and took aaaages but they look super pretty and glamorous ahahahahahah! We went and got Anatolia, my shout, then waited on the corner like the sluts we are, mum picked us up and she wasn't even annoyed at my nose ahahahahahah she was just like aw that actually looks pretty ahahahahahah. And yeh that was our white girl day!

4th December- I had yesterday off school and didn't reeeeally wanna go today but it was Sols "annual pool party" hahahah so I woke my ideas up and said yes! We hung round school for a while then just a little van full of us went to the gym ahahahahahah Sol had this great idea to go see one of his mates at the gym and it was just so ugly!! But then we went to his house and Ranier was cooking food, I was tryna sort out my hard rive but it wasn't formatted so I just plugge fit into the speaker. We had the funniest day just chillin', swimming and just all having a good time all together for one of the last times. We had a fat feed and then packed everything up, it was such a good day! 

We got dropped off at Jacks house and all got ready for the senior dinner. I was so sunburnt it wasn't funny. Mum and dad came and picked us up we all squashed into the car and went to the wharf for our fancy white ass senior dinner. Everyone looked so pretty and classy it was so cool! I sat by ton rai Horiana Donald rawiri and matt hahahah it was crack up as! We got our menus and there was a choice but Rawiri was like "can I change that 'or' to an 'and'?" Far it was crack up hahahah then he was talking about the waitress all night, I liked my choices of who I sat by ahahhaha. Some of the teachers made their speeches and I made mine ahahaha then Chater gave me a trophy of being "the worlds best unofficial head girl of tkas" which was super We took heaps of photos outside and they're all so cool, I love my whanau. Just across at Tatapouri was Lyttons leavers dinner and I so wanted to go over there but Ton said it would be too ugly ahahhaha we all went home and just chilled owwwt.

5th Decmber- My last ever day of school ever. Thirteen years done. And it was pretty average. We can't do any credits so we were basically just hanging around. Bly rung me and said she couldn't come down for the luau coz she had no ride so I went and asked mum if I could pick her up and she quite unwillingly said yes ahahahah but I didn't know where she was in Whatatutu so I needed one of the girls to come with me ahah and they were all Horiana's so I drove up and went inside then just asked if I could talk to Jade outside ahahahahahah and I basically kidnapped her I was like I needa go to wta but I dunno where yous live and she was like okay ahahahah so we drove up to Whatatu together and picked Bly up then we just went to preschool and let Ayva play. Bly was singing to Rauhina and the words said momona and I told Bly that that ment fat and she was cracking up for days and then just kept saying it.

We went over at one for prize giving and it was real hot as usual. It it was fun! I got three awards I think, leadership, quality learning and top year 13 \m/ I was so happy though compared to freaking last year no awards! Then us four year thirteens got up with Sol and had proper graduation music and got our diplomas ahahhaha it was so cool, we're such lameo's man ahahahahahah. I said my speech again but literally no one laughed it was hella awkward. Then that was it over all finished for forever and ever. 

Now I sorta really don't wanna talk about this coz I just wanna erase it from my life ahahhahaha. But I had been planning this leaving luau at the school pool but it was absolutely shit weather and it was a total fail. My nearest and dearest ole ahahahahahah but all my whanau tatau were there so I was alright, it looked real cool and we had a fat feed!! I was real grateful of everyone who did show up hahaha. I was avting like everyone's taxi that day I dunno how many trips I did all aroun tee kay ahahhaha. Tatiana and baby came down to say bye which was cool coz I had seen the little lump yet. We had so much leftovers and we just packed everything up and finally went home, it wasn't that bad but it wasn't what I expected ahahahahahah.

7th December- Cam wanted to go out to dinner as a family before I left so mum decided to go to the Three Rivers which is sorta like the pubs over. In England. We got all dressed up and went out as a whanau tatau and it was fun! We ordered so many starters and then had the hugest meals ahahaha we were so full but it was soooo yum! We were all being suuuupa ugly it was crack up as ahahaha. Then because we were so full we couldn't get pudding and then had big as fight about ice cream ahahahahahah but we went to the supermarket and got to have two litres each ahahah I was so happy with mine, mint choc chip and vanilla with chocolate flakes then we went home and chilled.

8th December- FHE! My last family home evening!! Antarge picked me up Hahhahahaha that was the first time I've been with him when he's driving, and me him and his mum just talked about driving and stuff the whole way up. We learnt about all the family trees in Whatatutu ahahahahahah and then we wrote Christmas cards to Awe, I did cute little drawings on mine but I didn't think mine were that good but aryanna and Antonio both wanted me to draw their ones. Sonny and Antarge were being so funny they were like chur bo algood ghee like to make Awe feel like he's at home ahahahah. Then we had s fat feed, me olea and Teah were sitting together and Hurutea was like sooo no Christmas presents this year ahahahahahhaha we're cool friends! Did the dishes obvs and then went into the wharenui and we're looking at all this stuff with Hurutea, getting really excited!! Then I went home with the Tahuri's, it was just a super fun night with my second family ahahahaha.

11th December- I woke up and no one was home so I found all the animals ahahahahahah and I was. Just looking hella ugly, unwashed river hair, in my nighty ahahahahahah and I was. Just tidying up my room when I heard a car come up the drive and then I opened the curtains and saw dad coming up the drive so I just thought one of dads workers was here but dad came in and was like Daniels here? So I threw on some clothes and went out into the awkwardness ahahahahahah all the animal babies were fighting so I was looking crazy tryna sort them out but yeah we just talked and caught up a bit, he's still the same idiot he was last year. But yeah it was nice to see him and Fagan again hahaha

12th December- One of the best days ever ever! Mum asked me to go to preschool with her to help with the Christmas party and I wanted to go see all the babies one more time. It was so cool, it was Frozen themed and because they have a new teacher and she's real creative they went all out with decorations it was real cool. Me and Rai were just hanging out all day and it was just funny as usual! Then I asked mum if we could go shopping and she was more than willing hahahah so we went and got all the England lots Christmas presents super proud of them ahahaha and we did a few more jobs and mum was like freaking out coz it was like 6 and ton was texting and calling me to see where I was and stuff and I just thought it was ton being her usual annoying texty self.

Buuut then we went home and the windows on the slidey doors were blocked out and Ton called my name, I knew the squad was coming over so I just thought it was them being ugly ahahah but I walked through the door to a freaking surprise party!! All these balloons on the roof, streamers in the doorway, everyone popped party poppers and I was honestly so surprised and happy! It was so cool and just gaaaaah I'm gonna write a whole thing about this because it's on my bucketist hahahaha, but it was an amazing night and I love my friends who care so so so much about me, and are just a bunch of pissheads always looking for the next party jooooookes ily ahahaha

13th December- Me, Ton, Rai, Hori, the boys and Olea all went to mini golf!! It was actually so fun! Fist we got the fatest feed of McDonalds, picked Olea up and then went to the place!! There were so many of us so it took ages, Horiana was getting annoyed coz we were like moving on and leaving her even though we were like right there ahahahahahah. Me and olea oooomg we were using the golf club and making it look like a selfie stick it was soooo funny man!! In the end I think Rai won and I came dead last ahahaha I didn't think I was doing that bad ahahaha.

Then that night we had a family dinner at our Aunty Jenny's and it was actually way better than I thought it was gonna be! I bought a new Kathmandu today ahahahahahah so I wore that and like we were just chilling out and stuff, had dinner, and noice pudding, Aunty Jenny made this cute as trifle and it had four little birds and three of them were in the nest and then the little bird that was me was flying out of the nest ahahahah it was super cute! Then we watched all these old slides of my mum when she was little and stuff, I was so tired though I was falling asleep. It was just a real fun kick back family night 

15th December- We were supposed to go to Nuhaka but it wasn't the best weather so we bought so many munchies and took my Friends DVDs and we just watched Friends all day long, all us girls ere there just eating and chilling.  I maaaade Hurutea do my eyebrows ahahahahahah and it was just a really cool fun fat day

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