Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Holidays.

I haven't written in my journal so here's how my holidays have been!

Staying at Oleas when she was home alone hahahahah, her and hurutea doing the ice challenge with their pot. We had pizza and just hung out, watching youtube videos and movies, then playing mortal kombat and pwning n00bz nahahahhahaha, i aaaalmost cried from laughing it was so funny! I had no devices hahahahah but I like just hanging out being lazy and ugly!

On the saturday of kens party we spent all day watching catfish and then we went out to Georgette's coz it was her mums party. Bly was theeeere!! So me and her were being hansims sitting at the door eating cake she was so ugly and was like "you don't wanna drink in case you pass out and everyone has to carry you, NOOO they have to get a tractor to drag you" ahahahahahahha idiot! And we were just cracking up, being hansim and loooud like we always are! I was being ugly about Kayne and far it was just so funny! Mum had to go to preschool so me and ton took heeeaps of photos hahahah. We went up to whatatutu and "exchanged" presents hahahahaha, love Ken she got me all my faves! And then we were all just hanging out by the fire drinking our ginger beer with Hun. Me aroha and jade being hiiiideous about these boys hahahahaha. Run me over and call me dinner! He's so skinny!

Cameron got a keyboard with his birthday money so I've learned one hand of Thinking Out Loud and so I was sooo keen to go to the chapel and show olea and teah but I forgot it!! Like I know it so well and then I got stage fright hahahah! At youth we played spoons but with knives and it was so funny! I was sitting in between olea and Antarge the most compeiive ones in the room! They had a fight over their knife and cut eachother and olea made a big deal even though Antarge got more cut hahahahahha. I was in the last three and was so nervous ahahaha so I was just like giggling the whole time! Then we had pizza for tea, hurutea danced her indian dance to this song that has been stuck in my head ever since then. She was looking at Kim Kardashian makeup, i spilled milo on myself ahahahaha, me and hurutea were fighting like we always always always do hahaha

Middle of Winter July 16th all us little crazy kids went to Rere! Me and Asher had been planning this for maybe three weeks? And everyone was hating so hard on the idea "it's cold" "you're not even swimming why are you going" "wouldn't you rather do something else" ahahahahha like thats all i heard for like three straight days! But i was so excited! It was an Adventure and just yaaaass!! One of my Favourite things is being outside when its freezing but being so super cozy and warm! Like when you're outside watching the stars, or sleeping on the trampoline i just love it, and i love winter so i just wanted to be outside having fun!! We bought heapsa food and we were sorta early so me mum and Ton were just being uglies while hurutea slept and Evonne just occasionally awkwardly laughed. Space Machine, Tu Hurutea. Then all the boys got there, they went down and it was fuh-reezing! Hurutea was so determined that she had to "uphold her reputation" or "make  a name for herself" and she did! She was the only girl who went down, but ton had to wait at the bottom coz she cant swim ahahahahah. There was no way i was gon get in that water, I was the first girl to jump off the Nuhaka bridge so i already had my reputation! We ate some food and Asher said he didnt like grape soda coz it tastes like lollipop spit, just one more thing we disagree on to add to the suuuper long list. He gave me my beanie and its so cozy and warm ahahaha. We packed everything up and then drove home, i always feel weird having to pick songs so i just played Ed's album and yeh, dropped off the girls. And went home to get all warm

Um just basically eating birthday food, sooo much food ahahahaha. Watching Supernatural. And attempting to look like im packing. Being annoying hansims when we have guests, and going into the toilet to make ash moustaches DEMON. We saw daniels twin in pak'n'save and me and hori walked like swaggy gangsters I BOUGHT MY TICKET!!! and um yeh that was my holidays.

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