It's the end of summer and I'll always remember it's at the end of February because SOMEONE had to comment on mine and Georgettes photo and it was like "summer days" and he was like "uh summers not till December" well then thank you.
But now I've just been thinking about my Summer and it's been pretty dang amazing!! I've had so much fun and done heaps, like I know I shoulda done more and not wasted my days!
We went camping, trips to the beach, went to Nuhaka, made new friends, bonded with old ones, talked and talked and talked like we would every other season, watched movies, ate ice cream, spent heaps of time with ma famuleh, sweated!! We went to splash planet and we had swimming sports, went to Rere, took heeeeaps of photos, partying the night away, Christmas, school, playing piano, laughed saaau much, had a luau, blasted music and just had a great amazing time!!
I love all my friends because they're the ones who invite me to stuff ahahah but who drag me out of my comfort zone and make THE best memories with them :D Even though I don't like Summer all that much, I had a the best summer ever and it was just the simple little things that made it great, and I don't ever want to forget it, I can't wait for next Summer, it's gonna be my last one here before I go to England where it's winter pretty much all year round!! That's all.
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