Yes sappy sappy heart lovey post again! Okay so everyone knows I love, love, but i love falling in love. I haven't fallen in love with like a real boy my own age who has loved me back or anything but I have fallen in love multiple times. I fall in love with songs, and places, and moments, and people I'll never ever get to meet and I just absolutely love that.
I bite my lip. I bite my lip when I see a good looking boy or even just think of one hahah that sounds so ugly! I bite my lip when a boy does something super romantic in a book. When I hear a cute love quote. I do it as like an instinctual reflex, ole big words, but like I'll do it to something I don't want to like and then I'll be like whut. Brain just whut. Uh don't even know why you needed to know that, but I guess it adds to the non-existent point.
Okay so songs. I love music so so much! My favourite thing is finding a new artist and getting literally every single song of theirs and just listening and falling in love. I love it so much. Just music is so perfect and when that one artist has songs that you love so much and you just love their voice and lyrics and just every single thing about the songs and it just makes you so happy! And then all you wanna do is see who else loves those songs so you can just love and appreciate together!! I've done this so many times! Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs, 5SoS, One Direction and now John Mayer. There like artists who you know all their songs coz you've been like fans from the start but these ones are special coz it's like a big huge overload all at once of love!! Does that make sense?
Places! I seriously feel like I write essays when I blog coz I do my intro and then my paragraphs and a conclusion hahah why isn't school this easy and fun -.- I think I'm a pretty well travelled person! I've been a lot of places. In my town, country and the world! I love travelling. I love car rides with friends and music. I love plane trips with heaps of food and good movies. I love trains coz there's so many people all together going to the same place to do completely different things. I love places that have special memories and are just a good time. Places I've been to once and still remember. But most of all I love places I've never been too! Which is the craziest thing ever. I love that I know I'm gonna get to travel to all these places I've seen so many pictures of and read so many stories about. I love the smell of places too. That's so weird. But everyone's house has a certain smell and some places smell the same so it reminds me of the other place which I just love! I just love the places I've been and love the places I'm going! There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done and I absolutely just love that so much!
Moments and memories. I have a bionic memory and its the best and worstest thing ever. I love my life at the moment. My past. And gurl I love my future! I remember so much it's not even funny. Everyone knows it, and new people are kinda creeped out by it. I love it. But yeh i remember a crud load of bad stuff which sorta makes me hold grudges which is real bad but yeh lets not talk about it hahah -.- Basically I have the best friends in the whole entire world who can make me laugh anytime day or night, until yes I do my hideous hiccup laugh which some people think is cute but probably not anymore. why am i so ugly and always make things about other things hahahah! I have had the best time at school and i love my school, it's a big family and theres never a dull day with them. I write in my journal every day so that i'll be able to remember all my memories when i dont remember them (?) so uh yeah i love my memories and that i can remember them so well. They make me smile and sometimes just burst out in laughter a t random times just coz i remembered something from years ago :)
This is so crazy aswell but people I've never even met. People who if they did meet me wouldn't remember me the next day. Musicians. Actors. Youtubers. Mainly youtubers. Because on youtube you feel like you actually get to know them. They share so much of their lives with you that you actually can fall in love with them. far i sound pathetic! but its true! you get to see their personalities, learn what they like and don't like, like learn their routine, know who their family is. I literally sound like a psycho. But I love it. So so much.
Okay so that just pretty much made me sound super crazy. Once again that was just a huge bunch of words that really no-one needed to read! And I truly dont think i coulda said the word love anymore if i wanted too! The point of that all was just that I love love. And know that someday i'll love a real boy/man/dude and it'll be such an adventure and just full of funness. whaaat am i even saying! i have a crud load of love in my heart and just love a lot of things. I love and trust super easily too so, oh well what are'ya gonna do. uh yes. love. there i said it even more hahaha. Bye for now i guess. Love you guys :D
naw im "in love" with this post hahahaha get it? but seriously i like this post haha