In like 2 weeks I'll be sixteen. That kinda freaks me out a little. That's half way to 32!! I like being a teenager and I think I'm a pretty mature responsible one too. I went to a kinda big intermediate and highschool for a little while so I met a few people. People from Lytton aren't as bad but there are so many people I know, most of them younger than me, who go out drinking like every weekend.
I know that everyone at my school does that now but in some ways they just seem more mature? Maybe coz I haven't known them since we were eleven like the townies but it just seems alright and normal that they do it? They drink and get high in their gummies and hoodies in the shed with their family which makes it like less worse? But that all these girls and boys get dressed up and go to a house party their parents are like rich successful white people who work in offices and like give them permission to go out with their friends? I don't really know what I'm trying to say, and what they do is really none of my business haha but from what I see, my life is so different to theirs and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I have the best family and friends who I spend my weekends with! My family watch lots of movies and just like chill out but chill out together in the same house/room. When I go to my friends house it's all the way in the wops so we can't really get into trouble! We watch youtube videos and movies. We eat food. I would SOO much rather eat food and drink Teahs juice than stand around freezing my booty off drinking alcohol.
Next month I'm sixteen. I can honestly say being fifteen was nothing like Taylor Swift said it would be. That will be my status. Yes I pre plan my statuses hahahah. But I'll hopefully go for my learners liscence. My friends will come over and we'll go to the movies and watch Despicable Me 2 then go get a fat feed. Living the dream mate! Sixteen seems like such a big scary number! But next year I'll be seventeen, and then I'll be living in England and then I'll get me a boyfriend and get married and have a house and babies then toddlers and children errmahgerd! Ze future is near and I'm seeer excited!!
No photo coz I'm too sexy for your eyes.
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