this blog entry is to tell all you wonderful people about what i shall be doing NEXT WEEK! haha i feel like one of those professional travel blogs!
a little while ago one of the teachers at school gave me and three others the chance to apply for a scholarship to go to Japan! it took us like two weeks to fill out all these applications and write perfect essays and fill in all this information about ourselves. a couple of weeks after we had sent away all our application stuff, i got an email about how i got accepted, i instantly turned to my best fraaaind who had also applied but sadly she didn't get in :'( we had already made so many expectations and plans sorta, it would have just been the best thing to go with her! this other boy got in though, so we're going half way around the world. together. meh.
Literally four days to go until we go up to auckland! i have to start getting a million things ready. this is a really boring blog. yesterday i got a letter about information on my host family, i'll be staying in a house with a mom a dad, a grandma, a grandad, a 13 year old girl and a 17 year old girl! I've emailed one of my sisters and have got a bit more of an idea about what to expect over there, she sent me a link to her high school and it is so incredibly flash and different from my school! so excited to go!
i'm going over over there to see all the damage from the earthquakes and tsunami. and yeah. i'll blog heaps about it when i get back :D until next time?
quite proud of anyone who read all of that! i missed out heaps of stuff but thats all the borement i could let you suffer.
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