I'm easily frightened. Full stop. End of post. Haha nah but that's basically it! I dunno why but I get so many frights from the littlest things!! And I just googled what that meant to see if I actually have like a disorder or like there's something wrong with me. I dunno how I feel about the results.
-Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition in which a person has nearly constant anxiety.
-Acute stress reaction Acute stress reaction symptoms include shortness of breath, anxiety, nervousness, sense of doom and more.
-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can cause tension, depression, and other symptoms of anxiety.
-Hyperparathyroidism can cause fatigue and weakness, increased thirst, impaired thinking, and bone fractures.
-Methamphetamine use causes increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, enlarged pupils, sweating, and more
So that's just a bunch of big words really. But it's pretty much stress, anxiety and drug use haha. Well I know I don't use drugs so that's just that. But I do get stressed and overthink things quite a bit but like I don't stress all the time and when I am stressing out I don't get frights more then kinda thing? And I don't think I have anxiety. I think I'm like shy and kind of a home body. I don't necessarily trying new things first. Like I'll get Ton to taste something first or go somewhere first yah know? I dunno coz like I only know of anxiety from Zoella and that she has it, so I think I kinda have it I dunno but it's not a big huge thing in my life like it is in hers so I don't think it should cause my frightfulness.
Just another random blog that I have no idea what I'm tryna say or what the point is haha. But I get scared so easily. Once I got scared of my own hand from under the pillow. I get frights sometimes when the song changes on my iPod. From lights. Noises. People. People are the worst coz they know so they'll try. But I'm totally the kind of person to laugh at myself and so I do actually think it's funny when they do it on purpose. But it's so stupid when they're standing right beside me or even worse in front of me and they move quickly and I just get a fright!
I reckon it's the shamest thing ever when you try scare someone and they don't get a fright! And they just laugh at you haha and your just like oh oh okay. I've been on the giving and receiving need of that more than once!
My family is so mean to eachother, all us kids always scare eachother. Me and Ton have made our brothers cry from scaring them so bad haha, but just like always hiding behind doors and far we're just a mean family haha! The best one was when I scared my dad though and he actually jumped, and just coz it's like my dad and he's like spose to be mr tough guy tree climber so yeah that was funny.
So yep. I get frights so easily and I'm a mean person for giving frights but yolo san. And that's really all I have to say about that.