The other day I said something about me having short hair, and my friend didn't believe me, and just couldn't picture me sorta thing (she so didn't say that, I just over exaggerated) And then I saw another blog where this girl had all these picture throughout the ages or whatever, so I looked around my room and house and thought yeah why not! I've had some crazy regrettable hair over my fifteen years! So hair we go! Oh I make myself laugh with stupidity!
Yah know just normal baby hair, it was dark and I had a lot of it I guess? I'm too sure how old I was, but that photos from when I was in England so before 11 months? If that helps!
My mom and nana always talk about my golden curls, my hair was so soft, like all little kids hair, and yeah so curly and cute! This photo just looks like it's brown with just blonde on the top. My hairs brown now, and my sister got all the blonde, and all the stereotypes about blondes. The other boy in the photo is my moms best friends son, I've known him his whole life, and yeah that's us in a paddling pool
Hahahaha ma eyebrows been gaaaon for a loong time!!! I remember always wearing these little clip on earrings, me and my sister had this big box of those colorful plastic hair clips! And then when the boy from the photo above would come over to our house we would always dress him up too!
My hair getting longer, long enough to tie up at least.
And then it gets the chop!! Yup my nana came to NZ for the summer and I decide I wanted it short. My nana used to be a hairdresser so she always used to trim our hair. So yeah, my hairs really thick and so it was summer time and I don't really like summer and being hot so I just cut it all off. Haha I so remember that, I just didn't want to be hot!! I was eight. Just a little story for y'all, while having my short hair, it was Halloween so I dressed up as a witch thing person, it was just a school party thing and there were prizes at the end of it, they were all split into categories. I won one. Guess which one? Best dressed eight year old boy. I cried. They thought I was a boy!! This is the slickest photo of me by the way!
Aah bandanas!! I was obsessed. I don't know how it all started but, I went through the longest phase of wearing a bandana every single day for about three years :D I had so many different ones too. And then I remember one day at school when all the "gangsters" wore like red bandanas on their pants and me and this other boy had just come back from senior Maths (because I'm just so smart) and our teacher was telling us how we weren't allowed bandanas anymore, I freeeeaked out!! But then she looked at me and was like Kei te pai koe, coz I was in the maori class so she just said you're alright :D aaah memories!! Oh yeah and this is me with my youngest brother :D
Then one day I just stopped wearing bandanas!! My hair was still short so I couldn't really tie it up so I tucked it behind my ears all the time. And then I thought I was real cool when I would put glasses on my head, errmahgerd I thought I was just the best most stylish person!! But I so wasn't!
This was like 2010 I think, before we moved. My hairs about shoulder length? It was nice then, and then I decide to get bangs, and they weren't very good so I just pinned them back a lot, I don't have a photo though :/
This is when I was at Lytton, and I straightened my hair a lot, because at Lytton I thought I needed to be pretty to fit in. I also went through a phase of wearing clip in flowers! And then I went to England and bought about fifteen more at poundland :D its just the British $2 shop for all y'all who don't know :P but then I kinda lost a lot of them and I like bows now!
And then last year I dip dyed/ombré'd my hair really blonde so I could change it different colors with crepe paper, maybe ill do a tutorial!! I took a whole bunch of photos the day I got it done, but they were so ugly and I deleted them :D but this is an alright photo with our countries very own boy band :P
Just to show you my hair now, I literally just took this photo and I'm super proud! Haha I just woke up and let my hair out! I'm just so perfect :D I don't straighten my hair so much, I embrace the volume, frizz and curls. I never brush my hair because it just uncurls the curls and makes it more bushy. I don't use any product but yesterday after my shower I used some Argan oil and curl enhancer, and it turned out like this so maybe I might start using a little. Embrace messy hair. And this year I'll try be more adventurous and wear bows and headbands, those little hair scarves and just try make my hair look really nice. I super really want some coconut oil because its all over pinterest and has a million uses. I just wanna grow my hair real long.
So yeah there's some cute and not so cute photos, and some stories about my hair journey! There it is, for the Internet to see :D