Monday, 28 January 2013

My hair.

The other day I said something about me having short hair, and my friend didn't believe me, and just couldn't picture me sorta thing (she so didn't say that, I just over exaggerated) And then I saw another blog where this girl had all these picture throughout the ages or whatever, so I looked around my room and house and thought yeah why not! I've had some crazy regrettable hair over my fifteen years! So hair we go! Oh I make myself laugh with stupidity!

Yah know just normal baby hair, it was dark and I had a lot of it I guess? I'm too sure how old I was, but that photos from when I was in England so before 11 months? If that helps!

My mom and nana always talk about my golden curls, my hair was so soft, like all little kids hair, and yeah so curly and cute! This photo just looks like it's brown with just blonde on the top. My hairs brown now, and my sister got all the blonde, and all the stereotypes about blondes. The other boy in the photo is my moms best friends son, I've known him his whole life, and yeah that's us in a paddling pool

Hahahaha ma eyebrows been gaaaon for a loong time!!! I remember always wearing these little clip on earrings, me and my sister had this big box of those colorful plastic hair clips! And then when the boy from the photo above would come over to our house we would always dress him up too!

My hair getting longer, long enough to tie up at least.

And then it gets the chop!! Yup my nana came to NZ for the summer and I decide I wanted it short. My nana used to be a hairdresser so she always used to trim our hair. So yeah, my hairs really thick and so it was summer time and I don't really like summer and being hot so I just cut it all off. Haha I so remember that, I just didn't want to be hot!! I was eight. Just a little story for y'all, while having my short hair, it was Halloween so I dressed up as a witch thing person, it was just a school party thing and there were prizes at the end of it, they were all split into categories. I won one. Guess which one? Best dressed eight year old boy. I cried. They thought I was a boy!! This is the slickest photo of me by the way!

Aah bandanas!! I was obsessed. I don't know how it all started but, I went through the longest phase of wearing a bandana every single day for about three years :D I had so many different ones too. And then I remember one day at school when all the "gangsters" wore like red bandanas on their pants and me and this other boy had just come back from senior Maths (because I'm just so smart) and our teacher was telling us how we weren't allowed bandanas anymore, I freeeeaked out!! But then she looked at me and was like Kei te pai koe, coz I was in the maori class so she just said you're alright :D aaah memories!! Oh yeah and this is me with my youngest brother :D

Then one day I just stopped wearing bandanas!! My hair was still short so I couldn't really tie it up so I tucked it behind my ears all the time. And then I thought I was real cool when I would put glasses on my head, errmahgerd I thought I was just the best most stylish person!! But I so wasn't!

This was like 2010 I think, before we moved. My hairs about shoulder length? It was nice then, and then I decide to get bangs, and they weren't very good so I just pinned them back a lot, I don't have a photo though :/

This is when I was at Lytton, and I straightened my hair a lot, because at Lytton I thought I needed to be pretty to fit in. I also went through a phase of wearing clip in flowers! And then I went to England and bought about fifteen more at poundland :D its just the British $2 shop for all y'all who don't know :P but then I kinda lost a lot of them and I like bows now!

And then last year I dip dyed/ombré'd my hair really blonde so I could change it different colors with crepe paper, maybe ill do a tutorial!! I took a whole bunch of photos the day I got it done, but they were so ugly and I deleted them :D but this is an alright photo with our countries very own boy band :P

Just to show you my hair now, I literally just took this photo and I'm super proud! Haha I just woke up and let my hair out! I'm just so perfect :D I don't straighten my hair so much, I embrace the volume, frizz and curls. I never brush my hair because it just uncurls the curls and makes it more bushy. I don't use any product but yesterday after my shower I used some Argan oil and curl enhancer, and it turned out like this so maybe I might start using a little. Embrace messy hair. And this year I'll try be more adventurous and wear bows and headbands, those little hair scarves and just try make my hair look really nice. I super really want some coconut oil because its all over pinterest and has a million uses. I just wanna grow my hair real long.

So yeah there's some cute and not so cute photos, and some stories about my hair journey! There it is, for the Internet to see :D

Saturday, 19 January 2013

My blog.

So my blog is going pretty good right?! I guess this is one of those YouTube story things, even though its not like a certain amount of time like a year or something but just because I really want too!

I started my blog because I am such a follower and so not a hipster that I always have to know what people are up to and just want to be included, haha that makes me sound so desperate, I do lead sometimes though! But yeah, so one of my friends had a blog aaaages ago, and then my other friend saw this one girls blog and decided she'd make one, so then my first friend decided to make a new one too. They were so into it and talking all about what they were doing and stuff, so I decided to check it out. I was so confused about it all, I just wanted my blog to look good and I just couldn't figure it out, so I just settled for it looking alright, and then I got some help from my friends and woop der it is my kinda perfectly laid out blog, even though one of my friends really hates it, I love it!!

I sorta think of my blog as a YouTube channel, I just write about topics and stuff, but they're all just topics all about me, so it's sorta like an extremely detailed and loooong dating website bio thing :P but I seriously only write my blogs directed at three people. My two best friends, and my future boyfriend/husband. Seriously. Haha I know it's weird but I do hope he "stalks" me to find out what I like, don't like, how I feel about stuff, I hope he looks at my Pinterest to find out what I want for my birthday, hahahah or what our wedding will be like!! So yeah I think of my blog as my YouTube channel, and then I think of my journal as my daily vlogs :P

So yet another totally pointless blog post that probably less than three people will read aaaall the way through then realize it was a waste of their day. Sorry :/ But I won't let the muggles get me down!

New Years resolutions.

Kia oraaa!! Back home safe and sound now! Amazing trip to England, really relaxing and good to catch up with family. Today I thought I'd share with you ALL my many New Years resolutions. It's the 20th of January but you still wanna know right :D

I really like New Years its a whole new year and just a fresh start! You feel like your accomplish heaps! I think this year will be my year! It my one of my bestfriends last year at school and my other bestfriend is coming in to our class so friendship is gunna be a big part of this year! I'm sixteen this year and my mom gave me this talk about when she was sixteen she was much more mature and had it all figured out, so haha I'm just gunna rebel and be forever young! I think I'm perfectly mature for my age, I know lots of stuff, am aware of danger ;D I just don't quiet have it all figured out, but who does?!

So with out further a do:

~Take more photos and videos~

I just need to capture all my wonderful memories and not be afraid of the camera or whatever, just be more vain with friends and even my family! I find that if you just give someone you're camera or even iPod, it's like you give them a mission to take as many selfies as possible, but they sometime manage to get others in too, so maybe I should do that!

~Read more~

I really like reading and really don't know why I don't do it more! Last year I started three really good books but just didn't finish them!! I have begun a bit of a book bucketlist I guess you could call it. So why not share it! I really wanna read all the Harry Potts again, I read them when I was little but only got upto the fifth one, I WAS ONLY LITTLE, don't judge me :P I really wanna read the Nicolas Sparks books too!! I love the movies so why not! And then The perks of being a wallflower and Life of Pi. I guess that's sorta a pattern, I've loved the movies so decided to read the books.

~Be more fashionable, make an effort to look good~

In England I looked good a lot!! I hardly took any of my own clothes over there so bought lots of really stylish things, and also winter fashion is waaay more easier to style and everything that say summer wear! But I will try! Try to do my hair nice rather than just throwing it in a bun, or even just jazzing up the bun with a headband or bow? I dunno just see how I go :P I'm such a rapper!

~Write more~

My journal!!! I always am having to catch up on my journal entries! I love my journal and can't wait to grow up and read all about my life! I know ill fully look back and be like errmahgerd I was so ugly! But everyone I know has done that :D I'm really jealous of my friends who have journals from when they were in intermediate and stuff, but instead of being like ngaw nah that sucks I just decided why not just start now because when I grow up ill be happy with that and not even think about how I missed out intermediate! So yeah, they don't have to be pages long just everyday or second day!

~Save more~

So this year mom promised pocket money and stuff, she used to watch a lot of Oprah and she always talked about how important it is for your kids to know how o handle money, so we do get pocket money, we get half our age, $7.50 for me, but she's not very good at remembering but yeah she said she'd try. I have four money saving boxes, people may judge me for it but these are the things I care about and want to save for, yah wanna know what they are? First of all a spending one, for like clothes, movies or candy :D then for England, I'm going back in 2015 and will need to pay rent and buy food and stuff!! My house, ill talk about it in another blog, but my future house will be the epicest house ever, and epic houses cost right? Last one is for my wedding. Yes I'm fifteen. Yes I'm single. But my wedding means the world to me so just gotta think ahead! I think am a forward thinker, and I like to plan so yeah, save!!

~Gradually start tryna change my name to Ellie~

In England everyone called me Ellie, nobody knew me as Ellen, and I liked it. It's not that I hate the name Ellen it's just I like Ellie a lot more! I bought one of those swirley name necklaces and it says Ellie. It's just my childhood nickname and all my family calls me that, I'm moving back to England in two years as might as well get used to it, start introducing myself as Ellie etc :D

~Make my friendships stronger~

When I was younger I thought year twelves were the most coolest popularest people with lots of friends. And lots of their friends were boys. And I've never had a boy bestfriend, I have a couple of guy friends now but they're not best friends, so I just want o strengthen my relationships with the friends I've already got.

~Get a talent~

I have no talents. I'm just average at a couple of things! I'm smart but there's people smarter. I'm an alright swimmer but there's better swimmers. I can't sing and I so wish I could. I have no idea of how to dance. I just want to be good at one thing and be able to show it off to people. All about the attention!

~Get my learners~

I'll be sixteen in July and I don't wanna be someone who just puts it off and off so I wanna be able to drive as soon as I can. I got my road code so that's one step forward!

~Stress less~

Last year I did an art board and I stressed!!! I stress a lot, about little things! I worry about things that usually don't even happen. I seriously just need to calm down and let things take their own path! This'll be my stress free year!!

Haha so not much really! I just want to be a better well rounded person. I think their all kinda original, and definitely super easy and do-able, the first one is the biggest most important,

Also, I guess I'll tell y'all, every day of last year I wrote something I was thankful for on this big scroll thing, so now I have this giant list of 365 things I'm thankful for, it's really cool and I'm super proud of it, I cut it up and hung on my wall in front of my bed so I can always see how much I have to be thankful for, reading some of the, this morning some are so stupid but I do really love my life and everything in it! I kinda did it in secret and didn't tell my friend or sister until like November, and I'm not like broadcasting what I'm doing this year because what if I just didn't finish it and was like meh but yeah I'm super proud and can't wait for ma guuuurls to see it fo'real but for now here's some real bad quality pics!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Monday, 7 January 2013

Just because I don't have a prince doesn't mean I'm not a princess.

i have never had any sort of love story! not tryna make you feel bad for me it's just the truth. i just saw that princess quote and thought it was a great one that actually related to me! like most quotes and stuff are all like love is like blah blah, but i just sorta try apply those ones to my friends or family, because thats sorta the only love i've had. 

I think of love categorized into your family, your friends, your possessions and then theres being in love. Your friends love can turn into loving them like your family, and some friendships start of with the same love of a similiar possession. kinda? 

when some people hear a song and their just like ohmygoodness this totally relates to me, or even i find some for other peoples situations, like my friend started going out with this sorta rebel-ish bad guy and no-one approved, her family was really over protective and really didnt like the two of them together, and then i heard taylor swifts song Ours and could not believe how perfectly it fit the situation! i dont think anyones ever liked me, but my friend just said they might of but just not told, but like songs dont even relate to me having crushes on guys! i suppose there might be a song about a girl liking a guy a lot and then him going and getting another older girlfriend, but then in the song they would always break up and me and the guy would end up together AH-NAH don't think that'll happen.

i really listen to the lyrics of songs to try get what they mean, i think i am quiet a behind the scenes kinda person and always wonder what the artist was doing when they wrote the song, trying to think how they were feeling, I'm like that with movies too, if two characters kiss i think about the actor and how they would  have reacted. my mom always think i'm sorta amazing because she just doesn't ever listen to the lyrics, she'll just have sung all the chorus and then i'll be like that song was about blah blah blah and she's just like whaaat. she says it's good at not taking things for face value. 
i only just realised this the other day, i already knew i was forever alone, but the part about not having a song you relate to. But im sure there will be one day :D

Sometimes I get real upset like weeeeh I'm forever alone, and even jealous of other people's love or even just knowing that guys like my friends. But then I'm just like you know what someday my prince will come, and in the meantime I have epic friends and an amazing family who love me heaps!

the other day i also realised that i have liked A LOT of guys in my life!!! yah slut. but haha at lytton i disgustingly liked nearly like every guy in my class, i dunno like you can be friends with a guy and then just wonder what it would be like being their girlfriend? no-one else, just me, okay! haha or just sometimes when a guy is being nice to you like real sorta nice and you think they like you so you sorta like them but then literally the next week they carry on being dicks, but you think aaah i can change him bleh! 

I'm not actually too sure where this post is going? But one last thing about silly movies that raise our expectations of guys :/ there are so many movies now, and every single one of them have a happy ending of two people falling in love with each other! Some of them are just like meh lets get together, but in all the romance movies it's obviously really predictable that the guy gets the girl in the end, but it's the most amazing thing watching them get there isn't it? The worst ones that I can think of right now are The Vow, Channing Tatums perfectness. The Notebook, I only just watched this recently but thought it was well cute, coz if you're a bird then I'm a bird. The lucky one, I literally only just watched this on the plane, and at the start I was like meh Zac Efrons just gunna be sad and quiet and distant but then he was a total sweetie, guys who are good with kids ;) every single Disney movie ever!! Even if its two little lions! Sexy smoulder, romantic dances, searching all over just for yo' girl!! I do love romantic movies and am a total hopeless romantic! But I do know that they are just characters and NOT real people, there may be some guys who have a few similar qualities, but I dunno if my generations guys are that up to scratch?

Haha okay I do have expectations for my future maaayn though haha. Hope it doesn't hurt me in the future, being so picky and stuff. But they're just general guy things that guys should do :P GAAAH I reaaaally want a super duper cheesy airport scene!! I have lots of travel planned in the next three years too, so.... He could wear a sexy slouchy beanie sometimes :D have manners and be a total gentleman mhhm. Age doesnt really phase me that much. Height? Sorta starting to give up on that dream though! Okay and i need him to have future goals and want to be and do something special with his life, bahaha coz i totally have no direction! i kinda do but yah know. he could have some sexy eyes, i know thats like a physical thing and i shouldn't care about that stuff but sexy eyes are pretty sexy. Be a family guy! If you're close with your family, your moms your idol, or you just get along well with your siblings, it shows you have the ability to get along well with people? I dunno! Haha I think that's all I have to say about that.

Good luck in every one else's love lives, ill just sit here watching lion king, again. Haha this post was so silly but but that's just a FEW of my thoughts about love and guys and all the rest :D byyyyyee!